As in the past, former President Barack Obama named some of his favorite releases of the last year in film, music, and more.
‘90s kids, rejoice and get ready to experience some good old fashioned nostalgia, courtesy of our pop-punk princess, Avril Lavigne.
The tour spans 40 dates across North America and Europe, with supporting acts Gracie Abrams, Holly Humberstone, and Baby Queen.
The Pirelli Calendar is back with a photographic story celebrating artists as they wade through the stages of life "on the road."
Jay-Z is adding a new name to his resume: GOAT.
Jon Baptiste leads the pack with 11 nominations while Justin Bieber, Doja Cat, and H.E.R. each earned eight.
Adele wants fans to respect the creative vision of her new 30 album.
Following the rerelease of her infamous Red album, Taylor Swift released a music video directed by Blake Lively for her vault song "I Bet You Think About Me" featuring Chris Stapleton.
In preparation for her upcoming album 30, Adele spoke to Oprah about her new music, her divorce, and her weight loss.
After a successful remix of "Blinding Lights," the two singers have collaborated again on the first single from Rosalía's next album.
Fall's most anticipated breakup album is finally here.
Adele One Night Only airs on CBS on Sunday, November 14, just five days before her fourth studio album comes out.
At 53, singer Céline Dion has canceled her Las Vegas shows and is isolated in a mansion to take care of her failing health.
As they release their first album in 40 years, Voyage, walk down memory lane with these throwback photos of the Swedish band.
'Tis the season! Mariah Carey-mas has begun.
One of today's most famous musicians, Ed Sheeran, has released his long-awaited new album. Along with it, the artist presented a new single "Overpass Graffiti," which will be released with an exclusive video clip.
From listening to pirated records from his dad to releasing his debut solo album, Optimist, the L'OFFICIEL Hommes USA Fall 2021 coverstar delves into his music past, present, and future.
The "Somebody That I Used to Know" singer is re-entering the music world in artistic style with a collaboration with tech startup KLKTN.
Adele sets the Internet on fire with more details surrounding her long-awaited album.
The Grammy award-winning singer took to Instagram live to tease her upcoming studio album 30 and single "Easy On Me."
The Grammy winner shared the teaser and release date for the new single “Easy On Me.”
The singer teams up with California-based company Palms for his new business venture into the cannabis industry.
The singer confirmed that his hit 2019 song is about "the female orgasm" during a show in Nashville on Friday.
Adele has fans excited for a potential new album with social media revamp.
Lil Nas X has confirmed suspicions that his costar was more than just a steamy music video counterpart.