Travel & Living

What Is 'Junk Journaling' and Should You Be Doing It?

This fresh take on scrapbooking is the perfect way to hold on to your summer memories forever.

Photo courtesy of Instagram/ @martinamartian.
Photo courtesy of Instagram/ @martinamartian.

If you've ever found yourself keeping old ticket stubs or letters but you don't have anywhere to put them, don't throw them away just yet. Junk journaling might just be the key to finding the perfect home for the memories these objects hold. The trend is the newest version of scrapbooking, offering an even more customizable and laid-back way to keep track of your memories.

Junk journaling is all about using found materials and recycling them to create artistic collages that function the same way as a regular written journal entry would. Putting photos and thank you notes from a party in a journal documents the experience in the same way that writing it down does. Many people also write in their junk journals alongside collaging all of their collected materials. A junk journal is a great way to incorporate art into your daily life, with the flexibility to create different collages while also making a home for sentimental objects. You can use any kind of journal for a junk journal, and decorate it with ribbons, stickers or gems. Everything is totally customizable and personalized, making it a great option for people who don't like writing long diary entries.

Photos courtesy of Instagram/ @martinamartian. / junk journaling aesthetic scrapbooking
Photos courtesy of Instagram/ @martinamartian. / junk journaling aesthetic scrapbooking
Photos courtesy of Instagram/ @martinamartian. / junk journaling aesthetic scrapbooking
Photos courtesy of Instagram/ @martinamartian. / junk journaling aesthetic scrapbooking
Photos courtesy of Instagram/ @martinamartian.

So what are the benefits of junk journaling? Journaling has been known for a long time as a practice that helps to reduce stress and improve mental health, since the act of self reflection that comes with it is a form of meditation, but junk journaling also has its own unique upsides. It can often feel more artistic and creative than simply writing everything down, since you get to spend time collaging pieces together and making something that feels personalized and visually appealing. You can explore different aesthetics and styles with a junk journal.

Plus, you'll spend your time looking for things in your daily life that you can collect. You might start appreciating the design of your favorite coffee shop's napkins or grabbing business cards from local shops when you visit, simply because you look forward to collaging it into your journal later. Junk journaling is not only a fun and stylish way to keep track of your memories, but it's also a great way to shift your perspective towards finding beauty in the mundane.

It seems like everyone has been starting a junk journal this summer, since it is the perfect place to preserve boarding passes from a European vacation, movie tickets from all of the new blockbuster hits, and reciepts for brunch and happy hour with friends. Junk journals are the perfect way to romanticize daily life in style. Get some inspiration and tips for starting your own junk journal below.



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