Pop culture

Megan Fox Opens Up About Her Body Dysmorphia

Megan Fox shows the importance of debating our insecurities.

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Being a big Hollywood star is no guarantee of being immune to your own insecurities. Megan Fox recently admitted that she has a degree of bodily dysmorphism, a psychological illness characterized by involving an obsessive focus on a defect that the person considers to have in their own appearance, whether it exists or not.

The obsession can be so dangerous that the individual may spend hours a day trying to correct what they believe to be "defects" and can lead to experimenting with many cosmetic procedures or over-exercising. People with this disorder often examine their appearance in the mirror constantly, compare it with others, and avoid social situations or photos. Therefore, the field of social networks can become an aggravating factor for the disease.


The 35-year-old actress gave an interview to GQ Style alongside her boyfriend, Machine Gun Kelly, and revealed that she has body dysmorphism. "I have a lot of deep insecurities," said the actress.

“We can look at someone and think, 'This person is so beautiful.  Your life must be so easy.'  They probably don't feel that way about themselves," she noted. During the interview, Fox said she nearly hit a "breaking point" after the release of her movie Jennifer's Body because she had seen herself consistently being sexualized in films and media.



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