What is the April Theory?
TikTok's newest theory is encouraging a new, positive outlook for the warmer months ahead.
Every so often, the TikTok algorithm popularizes certain conspiracies—some of which have been rather absurd. The newest theory on the app, the April Theory, seems different than the rest. There hasn't been much skepticism around it like there has been around others, and it's because this theory really does make sense. When the sun starts to shine brighter and the air becomes warmer, we can't help but come out of hibernation. April is seen as the month of restoration and renewal, not just for the environment but for our bodies as well.
The theory stems from the notion that an individual's life and outlook improve due to the warmth and brightness the month and new spring season bring, and with science on our side to prove sunnier days are better for the soul, there's no arguing with that logic. There's also the fact that the astrological new year starts in the spring, with the first day of the Aries season, March 21st, being the first day of the astrological calendar. Thus, by the end of April, our lives shift towards new beginnings and horizons.
Last month, the March Theory was circulating, but in contrast to the April Theory, the March Theory is about closure. Several TikTokers posted their stories online, sharing how they have experienced cycles ending firsthand. Some have said their romantic relationships and even some friendships have ended, while others have been grieving the loss of a family member. For many, April is the end of "Cuffing Season" and the beginning of "Hot Girl Summer."
However, there is one caveat to the April Theory, which is that if a solar eclipse proceeds during this period, you may experience what's called an eclipse hangover. An eclipse hangover is defined by a feeling of fatigue or grogginess in the days after a solar eclipse.
"Eclipses, in astrology, are thought to lead to revelations and truths emerging. They make us reassess the path that we’re currently on," explains Astrologer Lisa Stardust for Today.
A way to mediate the effects of an eclipse hangover is to get plenty of rest, stay hydrated and nourished, and connect with the outdoors.
The April Theory has nudged a sense of assurance and eagerness in those who have struggled during the cold winter months. Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is quite common and can leave people feeling depressed, irritable, and lethargic for four to five months at a time, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Of course, it depends on where you're located in the world, but as soon as spring comes around, many people's mental health improves. Theories such as the April Theory have the potential to lift spirits but shouldn't be the only source of comfort if you're feeling low. If you or someone you know is struggling, there are many helpful resources to turn to.
Start replacing the old with the new, whether it's releasing a friendship that doesn't serve you or toxic habits that have prevented you from being the best version of yourself. You may find yourself spending more days alone which could be a sign of healing and moving forward. As we head into this new seasonal era, we must remind ourselves that change is uncomfortable but necessary to grow. Prioritizing ourselves now is the most important thing of all, and we must let everything go that doesn't serve us. There are brighter days ahead, even if we don't know it yet, and sometimes all we need is a TikTok trend to remind us.
If an eclipse precedes or happens during the month of April and you have experienced the brunt of an "eclipse hangover," just know that all eclipse hangovers come to an end. However, April may come with its challenges in addition to an eclipse, Mercury Retrograde, for example.
"The tricky thing about this period is that it doesn't have an exact time frame; it kind of goes off of what's based in the cosmos," says TikToker Joshua Pingley, a.k.a. @spiritualweatherman.
So while April may bring sunshine and warm weather, it's also important to take good care of yourself during this period to prevent the changing effects that the cosmos may have on you.