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Astrological Predictions For 2023

Find out what astrology has prepared for each sign in the year 2023. 

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Astrology is opening a portal to perceive the soul of the individual, but that soul awareness comes through the energetic opening to other planes of consciousness. Astrologer and psychologist Priscila Charbonnières, a professional who has been working for over 20 years in mind development, planes of consciousness, and chakras, spoke to L'OFFICIEL about what the stars have in store for us in 2023.

According to her, we are under the influence of the planet Saturn, which began in 2017 and runs until 2052. However, there are also ruling planets for each year. The tables follow the order of the slowest planet to the fastest (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Pluto) and each year one of these planets enters as regent. According to this table, 2022 was ruled by Mercury, while 2023 will be ruled by Pluto. But this regency only happens from the entry of the Sun into Aries, the astrological new year, which takes place on March 20, 2023.

From then on, Pluto becomes the ruling planet of the year and it brings many changes. By interpreting where Pluto falls on the chart at the beginning of the year (what sign it is in, what house it is in, etc.), you'll see the correlation of this position with each of the signs and understand how to proceed in the new year.

In the case of 2023, the Moon will be in Pisces, in the 6th house, bringing a lot of spirituality and service. It is a coming year governed by changes, by the people, by women. It is also a year with a lot of volatility. Also, in numerology, it is a year that adds up to 7, which corresponds to the color violet which represents spirituality.

Check the astrological forecast for your sign.

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Aryans will experience change and opportunities for growth in their personal values and resources in 2023. For a part of the Aryans, the disappearance of some obstacles will facilitate this process. For others, the emergence of a crisis in this area can lead to changes in direction towards alignment with life purpose. The improvement of skills, new learning, and understanding of the relationship with people and the closest environment, which lasted 6 months and ends in March, prepared the Aryans to act with motivation and social structure, daily feeding life goals and fulfilling them.

It is likely that, between March and June, friendships or groups will play a transformative role, which will be intensely developed from 2024 onwards. The energy of the Eclipse of April 20 is important for the Aryans' sense of identity, as it brings opportunities to resolve vulnerability and acceptance of failures, mistakes, or personal limits. Aries will have the support of people with whom they can express their care and compassion.


Taureans will experience change and opportunity for growth in their identity and personal expression, even in their appearance, in 2023. Some Taureans will feel that obstacles that seemed difficult to overcome in this process will disappear. Other Taureans will see that a crisis in this area can lead to changes in direction towards alignment with life purpose.

Exploring personal skills, reviewing and learning about their personal resources and values—in the last three months of 2022 and the first three of 2023—equipped Taurus to act with motivation in concrete reality, using the senses and staying power to create shapes that bring stability.

The period between March and June allows for more intense concentration on your life goals, personal or professional career, and initiating a personal and life course transformation that will be fully developed later, from 2024 onwards. The energy of the October 28 Eclipse is important for Taureans, as it supports change in the theme of their identity, through inevitable novelties and changes in their resources and values. It intensifies the need to seize opportunities to go down new paths and unexplored territories to strengthen the independence and autonomy that result from personal transformation.


Geminis will be able to exercise and develop their capacity for detachment, through events that include fulfilling or fulfilling plans or expectations, concluding or ending life processes, or simply letting go of ideas or convictions that are not worth the effort of realization.

It is possible that obstacles that some Geminis felt were insurmountable will disappear by the end of October, while other Geminis are finally able to see a crisis that suddenly declares itself. In any case, the development of individual skills and self-knowledge that consolidated their identity over the last months of 2022 and the first of 2023, equipped Gemini to deal with challenges.

Geminis now have even more creativity, flexibility, and also philosophical and spiritual tools that serve as an inner motivation to acquire intense research energy that they will feel between March and June. It is likely that you will have more responsibilities at work from the end of March onwards or find it easier to direct your entire life experience towards achieving long-term goals.

At the end of April and beginning of May, you will feel that your relationships and friendships are of great importance in your routine. Friends will be a source of support and healing. Later, in the second half of October, you will feel that your creative intelligence connects you to your uniqueness, accepting changes in the vision of risk and the purpose of everything in life, and investing in what you are really passionate about.


Cancers will focus on friends during 2023 and the importance of being welcomed and accepted by the world. They will feel that their network of knowledge is expanding and they will be willing to join groups or organizations, seeking a sense of belonging and fulfilling bonds. The most noticeable changes taking place in this area will have an inevitable effect on family life and on an emotional and psychological basis.

For some Cancerians, the reservation they usually have until they feel safe is no longer an obstacle, for others, this can be precisely the reason for a crisis that suddenly appears. The final months of 2022 and the beginning of 2023 are important for revising expectations and training your capacity for detachment, concluding important life processes, or finally fulfilling long-held desires.

This training has prepared Cancerians to consolidate their outlook on life with philosophical ideas or convictions that sum up their entire life experience. At the end of April and from May onwards, a new creative impetus is available to invest in a career and in creative projects—including children—accompanied by great spontaneity and affection in the way of relating.

From the second week of October, family life (biological or chosen), the home, and the secure base that structures the Cancer man benefits from transformations that update questions of responsibility and commitment and require completely new ways of approaching resources and values.

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Leos will be focused on their personal and professional careers, and on the course to achieve their life goals during 2023. For some, obstacles considered huge simply disappear, while for others a suddenly manifested crisis leads to these changes, strengthening independence and autonomy. From March it is likely that Leos will notice that their entire life experience will now be directed towards a deep inner transformation and emotional regeneration.

Accompanying and supporting this personal investigation, at the end of April and from May onwards, the intensification of your creative impetus, of connection and union, energizes the search for spiritual and philosophical tools through affectionate and verbally expressive relationships, which allow the expansion of horizons. The effect of this energy also animates family life (biological or chosen), the home, and the affective base with opportunities to address vulnerability and healing, to understand failures and mistakes with compassion and giving effort.

From the second week of October, inevitable changes in this area will bring up issues of commitment and responsibility, calling Leos to seize opportunities that lead to new paths and unexplored territories.


Virgos will be motivated to broaden their perspective on life in 2023. They are likely to seek spiritual and philosophical tools that reinforce purpose or renew life's meaning. This area is undergoing profound transformation, bringing issues of commitment and responsibility, as well as opportunities to follow new paths and unexplored territories, especially from May onwards.

The area of partnerships and relationships will now absorb the experience that Virgos have accumulated throughout their lives, requiring the wisdom that comes from finding practical solutions in concrete reality, in a simple, direct, and natural way. At the end of April and from May onwards, the creative impetus energy available will activate the need for union, connection, and, through it, the opening to a greater awareness, which for Virgos animates relationships with colleagues, neighbors, siblings, and family members.

Recent experiences in the area of professional or personal careers and the development and review of abilities to achieve fulfillment over the last few months of 2022 and the first of 2023 have equipped Virgos to take full advantage of this energy now.

From the second week of October, the available energy accompanies and supports discoveries and inevitable changes in the exploration of broader horizons, which can surprise Virgos with independence and autonomy resulting from simply trusting the process and listening to the inner voice.


In 2023, Libras will be absorbed in their inner transformation, improving their regeneration process—energetic, emotional, and psychological—the area where the main changes take place. These changes bring to the surface issues of commitment and responsibility in relationships with others, especially with the intangible and material resources that come from others and that can be used by Libras as a matter of personal transformation.

Libras will be called upon to assume more responsibilities in their daily routine, consolidating their work habits, especially from March onwards. Between March and June, they will feel motivated and have a great ability to concentrate on using their creative intelligence. This energy of transformation is intensified with a creative impetus at the end of April and from May, especially directed towards professional and personal partnerships, through deep investigation to understand failures and mistakes with compassion and effort of giving, through especially kind relationships.

From the second half of October, as a result of all the personal work carried out internally and externally, Libras will be able to take full advantage of inevitable changes in the values and personal resources that define their identity and the way they show themselves to the world and seize opportunities that break new ground into uncharted territory, pushing them to trust the process.

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Scorpios will dedicate themselves to their partnerships during 2023, an area in which profound transformations are taking place, bringing circumstances to question commitment and responsibility, and putting relationships to the test. Scorpios will feel that this area expands and brings new meaning and purpose to their lives. It is natural that the profound revision they carried out in the last months of 2022 and the first months of 2023 to their process of internal regeneration and personal transformation brought greater capacity to respond to these challenges.

As of March, you will feel that your entire life experience is now directed towards your creativity and the use of creative intelligence, also with more responsibilities, whether children or creative projects. This energy is reinforced by a great impetus for investigation and transformation of your affective base, family life, biological or chosen, and the home, between March and June.

From May, an energy is added that activates the need for union, connection, and expressing these needs, looking for spontaneity in relationships, which will probably bring changes to routine and work habits. From the second half of October, it is likely that obstacles considered difficult simply disappear, or there is a sudden crisis of resolution, with opportunities that show new ways to approach the fulfillment of desires and the relationship with the other.


Sagittarians will be focused on their daily routine, work, and health. The profound review of their partnerships, of how to deal and relate to others and the world, developed over the last months of 2022 and the first of 2023, improved Sagittarians' relational capacities, now important to better face life's challenges daily.

From March it is likely that you will feel that all your life experience and the wisdom gained from practical experience are now directed towards family life, towards your affective base. From March to June, an impetus for investigation and transformation inspires Sagittarians to acquire new skills, to renew those they have already exercised, feeling great intensity in their relationships with colleagues, friends, family, and with the immediate context.

At the end of April and from May onwards, a great creative impetus, activated by a creative energy of change, animates your creativity with the need for unity, for connection, in order to open them up to a greater awareness and, precisely, to express these needs in completely new ways, with greater spontaneity.

From the second half of October, inevitable changes will take place not only to consolidate the results of the attention invested in daily life and work but also to resolve issues of commitment and responsibility with groups, organizations, or societal acceptance, recognized for work or creative merit.


In 2023, Capricorns will be focused on expanding their creative abilities, investing their creative intelligence in projects that bring a sense of fulfillment and personal satisfaction, more than success or achievement of goals. Their more playful and open attitude to the unforeseen allows important changes to occur not only in this area but also in the professional or personal career area, where life goals and objectives become more accessible and fulfilling. The long and detailed review of their work habits, daily routine, and health, over the last months of 2022 and the first of 2023, gave Capricorns concrete preparation that allows them to be more relaxed and open to chance.

From March onwards, it is likely that they will feel the usefulness of their life experience, the wisdom that comes from experience, moving towards the application of their communication skills and relationship with peers and with the closest context, colleagues, family members, neighbors, which Capricorns do with objectivity and realism.

At the end of April and starting in May, inevitable changes occur in your membership in groups or organizations, as opportunities to address vulnerability and understand flaws and mistakes with empathy. From the end of October, these changes are brought about by questions of commitment and responsibility regarding their life goals, aimed at strengthening independence and autonomy.


In 2023, Aquarians will be focused on their affective base, on family life, chosen or biological, involved in developing their sense of belonging. The profound review they made of their capacity and creative abilities, to dedicate themselves with love to their creative projects, during the last months of 2022 and the first of 2023, prepared Aquarians for the challenges and changes in the structural basis that allows having and achieving goals of life.

From March, your personal resources and values are the central focus of your entire life experience, the acquired realism, and objectivity guaranteeing the best management. From March to June, they will have a great intensity of focus on the factors that constitute their own identity and individual expression, with a desire to transform conditioning that can prevent their authenticity.

At the end of April and after May, a great creative impetus produces changes in your communication skills and relationships with peers, family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues, showing the need for union, connection, looking for spontaneity in relationships. These changes accompany changes in career, personal or professional as well, with opportunities to address vulnerability and to understand failures and mistakes.

After October, a new wave of inevitable changes brings philosophical and spiritual tools to expand one's perspective on life, to strengthen the independence and autonomy that come from deep inner research and personal transformation.


Pisceans will be focused during 2023 on education and skills training with emphasis on the ability to communicate and relate to peers, family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues. It is likely that the detailed review they made of their affective and emotional base, and their sense of belonging, during the last months of 2022 and the first of 2023, has brought the necessary preparation for the challenges and changes in the area of communication with the wider context. next.

From March, Pisceans will feel greater responsibility in the way they express their identity, how they show themselves to the world and how they are seen. From March to June, completing processes, fulfilling desires, and letting go of what has already been completed will have a more intense energy, calling for transformations in the perception of security and self-power, which will fully unfold from 2024 onwards.

At the end of April and after May, an energy of change takes place in personal values and resources, and in the perspective of life, with great creative impetus showing the need for togetherness, connection, and expressing these needs in completely new ways looking for spontaneity in the relationships.

As of October, more inevitable changes now take place in the resources coming in from others to use for personal transformation, bringing up issues of commitment and responsibility that can put relationships to the test.


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