
Everything You Need to Know Before Getting Preventative Botox

Botox is known for its ability to banish wrinkles—but how early should you start?

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Preventative botox is exactly what it sounds like—a form of injections in the face that are meant to keep wrinkles from appearing. Although there is controversy over this kind of treatment, the age range for those who get this procedure done is steadily becoming younger. While it’s recommended that women in their mid-to-late 20s and early 30s start getting the treatment, women as early as 20 are starting now, due to influencers and celebrities on social media popularizing the trend. But does preventative botox actually work? Here, L’OFFICIEL breaks down the pros and cons of the procedure, its efficacy, and if it’s worth it.

How does it work?

Also known as “baby botox,” when preventative botox (botulinum toxin) is injected into your face, the botox blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles, preventing them from contracting. Wrinkles are caused by repetitive facial muscle movements, which will weaken your skin and, over time, the skin won't bounce back from the different lines. The most targeted areas for botox are the lines between your eyebrows, around your eyes, above your forehead, and around the mouth for “smile lines.”

What can I expect after getting botox?

The procedure is quick, usually about 10 to 30 minutes long, and if you notice any bumps on your face afterward, they will quickly disappear after the treatment. It’s recommended to not perform any type of intense exercise and to actually lie down so the injections can settle. After a few days, the muscles should become tighter, and the effects of botox go away after about three months, on average, so it’s smart to get check-in appointments around those times.

How old should I be?

Age is just a number—it’s recommended to start botox in your mid-to-late 20s if you have an expressive face and lines, or if you see any type of line beginning to form that you want to treat.


The benefits of preventative botox include that it really can prevent you from seeing wrinkles—however, it won’t stop them from forming, and the effectiveness can vary. Also, just because you start botox early doesn’t mean you’ll need them for the rest of your life. In fact, sometimes patients require fewer visits over time, ranging from a touch-up appointment every four months to once a year.


With a trained professional, the procedure is extremely safe, but there are still some common side effects that may occur when getting the treatment, such as a headache, sinus inflammation, flu-like symptoms, dry eyes, and swelling or bruising on the injected areas. If you have more serious side effects, such as difficulty breathing or seeing, call a doctor. Another component to consider is cost: each botox treatment can cost from a few hundred dollars to over $1,000.

If you’re on the younger side and aren’t 100 percent sure whether or not to get the treatment, it’s probably best to hold off for now. Remember, preventative botox isn’t for everyone. If your face is wrinkle-free, you probably don’t need the procedure, and your facial expressions might become “frozen” and be harder to form if you start too early.


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