Pop culture

Miley Cryrus Gives a Sentimental Tribute to Hannah Montana

In celebration of Hannah Montana's 15th anniversary, Cyrus writes a touching letter to her alter ego. 

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Miley Cyrus still holds her role as Hannah Montana close to heart, and no amount of years or radical style trasnformations will change that. Celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Disney show's premiere, Cyrus took to her soical media with a handwritten letter to her superstar alter ego. Her endearing words paid tribute to Hannah, "the greatest gift a girl could ask for," giving a healthy dose of nostalgia all the way to the letter's glittery end. 


Cyrus recalls many memories on the glamorous Hannah Montana themed stationary. From her grandfather passing away during season one to getting her period for the first time in a set bathroom, she proves that Hannah was there through it all. She credits her continued success to her days working with Disney, saying that Hannah Montana was "like a rocket that flew me to the moon and never brought me back down." While being a child star with such a major spotlight was undeniably diffcult, Cryus' admiration for Hannah as a place of refuge is clear. She writes, "There was a time in my life when you held more of my identity in your glovette than I did in my bare hands." As a 13 year old navigating Hollywood, Cyrus' closest friend was this idolized version of herself.

It goes without saying that Cyrus' post took the world by storm. Everyone who once watched the viral show was infused with a sense of blissful nostalgia. Cyrus also sent handwritten notes and flowers to her former costars and other celebrities who were a part of her Hannah Montana journey.


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