Pop culture

Young Photos of JFK Jr.

In honor of what would have been John F. Kennedy Jr.'s 62nd birthday, L'OFFICIEL looks back at young photos of the American lawyer.

photo of jfk junior giving a speech wearing a suit
Photo courtesy of Getty Images.

Son of late former president John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy, John F. Kennedy Jr. was born into a family of politicians. Nicknamed “John-John” by the press when he was young, JFK Jr. made his mark on the public at a young age. As a student, Kennedy Jr. aspired to be an actor, but after his mother disapproved of the career choice, he went to law school to become an assistant District Attorney and went on to become an American lawyer, journalist, and magazine publisher.

In 1996, Kennedy married Carolyn Bessette in a private ceremony in Georgia. Their relationship took the media by storm as the It couple of New York City. However, less than three years later, the pair was tragically killed in a plane crash off the coast of Martha's Vineyard.

In honor of what would have been his 62nd birthday, L’OFFICIEL has put together images of JFK Jr.'s youth to remember his legacy.

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Young John-John crawls across the White House floor, 1962.
Perhaps one of JFK Jr.'s most famous photos, the young boy hides beneath his father's desk in the Oval Office, 1962.
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis attends the St. Bernard's Horse Show where her son John-John is competing, late 1960s.
Young JFK Jr. attending the RFK tennis tournament, 1977.
JFK Jr. heading to the docks in Maine, 1977.
JFK Jr. in New York City, 1977.
Young JFK Jr. attending the RFK tennis tournament, 1978.
Young JFK Jr. during Ted Kennedy's presidential candidacy announcement, 1979.
JFK Jr. giving a speech at a podium, 1979.
Young JFK Jr. at his birthday party in New York City, 1979.
JFK Jr. walking on 5th Ave., 1980.
JFK Jr. spending time at the beach with his family on Labor Day weekend, 1980.
JFK Jr. doing water activities during Labor Day weekend, 1980.
JFK Jr. at the DNC in Madison Square Garden, 1980.
JFK Jr. at a fundraising event, 1984.
JFK Jr. at the DNC, 1988.
Portrait of JFK Jr., 1988
JFK Jr. at the MTV Video Music Awards, 1994.
JFK Jr. in Washington Square Park taping a Public Service Announcement video, 1994.


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