Who is TikToker Hal Baddie?
Hal Baddie wants her "dolls" to be their most authentic selves.
TikToker Hal Baddie (@hal.baddie) regularly shares food, fashion, and vlog-style videos with her 353,000 TikTok followers. Oh, and remember when selfie sticks were a thing back in the early 2000s? Well, the TikToker, whose real name is Devin Halbal, is making them stylish again.
If you scroll all the way to the bottom of her feed, the 23-year-old posted her first TikTok back in June 2021. The quick video shows Halbal in a printed tube bikini top and high waisted bikini bottoms, with picturesque shots of the land around her.
The transgender content creator wants her followers, or "dolls" as she calls them, to embrace themselves wholly.
On Transgender Day of Visibility, Halbal shared an inspiring message to her fellow TikTok followers: "I want you to never be afraid to live your life today, and everyday. Always remember that you are beautiful dolls inside and out."
She continued, "Visibility and representation are so important. So go out there, be brave, take up space, and share your love with the world."
Other videos often captured on her feed? "Doll check-ins." Halbal loves to post updates about her life, like where she's currently traveling— she's recently been enjoying croissants and pasta in France— and to share inspirational messages with her followers and challenge them to be the best versions of themselves.
The content creator has also coined the term "Met Gala Behavior." According to an interview in W Magazine, Halbal described the meaning behind this: "When we think of fashion content, especially in the Western world and America, people do fast fashion hauls—nothing wrong with that. But I really wanna go into local communities and see designers that are working for their communities, building dresses. There’s this one maroon Turkish dress on my TikTok. That was actually Met Gala behavior."