Pop culture

Chloë Sevigny Wore Black to her Secret Wedding

"Kids" and "Boy's Don't Cry" star actress Chloë Sevigny said yes to gallery owner Siniša Mačković in a secret ceremony in March of last year.
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Cult actress and fashion muse Chloë Sevigny is not one to follow others. So the news of her secret wedding—which she just revealed recently on Instagram—is not as surprising as what the Kids star chose to wear on her big day: all black.

Announced via social media, the most parked the one-year-anniversary since Sevigny married gallery owner Siniša Mačković.


Highlighting her then-pregnant belly (she gave birth a few months later in May), Sevigny wore a long, knee-length black dress with matching matching pantyhose and heavy boots. The actress had her blond hair pulled back under a white veil and held a small bouquet of white flowers in her hand, while her makeup was very light with almost no color.


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