Film & TV

Why Actresses Are Wearing Black to the Golden Globes

This year's nominees plan to stage a protest at the prestigious award ceremony.
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Meryl Streep.jpeg

Twenty seventeen was an intense year for Hollywood, especially for women in the film industry. Actresses and producers such as Salma Hayek, Meryl Streep, Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow teamed up to unveil their stories of sexual abuse and unmask the criminal behavior of Harvey Weinstein, Louis CK, Matt Lauer, and more men in cinema.

Thankfully, the movement will not be losing steam in 2018. For the next edition of the Golden Globes Awards, guests will wear black in protest of harassment and violence against women. The idea began with a small group and now has 30 confirmed, among them Jessica Chastain, Meryl Streep, Michelle Williams, Emma Stone, Helen Mirren, and Reese Witherspoon .

"Most women, actresses or guests, will join in protest and solidarity with each other," said a source on E!. "They have combined to use black as a way to criticize the injustices that have been going on in Hollywood ever since."

In the gallery below, we have gathered the best black looks of the nominated actresses for a hint of what's to come. Tune in to the Golden Globes on January 7, 2018.

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Diane Kruger
Octavia Spencer
Jessica Chastain
Saoirse Ronan
Hong Chau
Michelle Williams
Judi Dench
Meryl Streep
Sally Hawkins
Helen Mirren
Margot Robbie
Emma Stone


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