Film & TV

'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone' Will Return to Theaters and HBO

The Harry Potter saga returns to the big screen with many surprises in store, including a reunion.

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To celebrate two decades since the release of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the saga's first film will now be returning to theaters, but this time, in 3D. On Sunday, November 21, the first film will be shown in theaters worldwide. 

Based on the books by British novelist JK Rowling, the Harry Potter movies are one of the biggest hits in cinema. In 2002, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone received a total of three Oscar nominations including Best Art Direction, Best Costume Design, and Best Soundtrack. The film also racked in eight BAFTA Award nominations and won the Saturn Costume Award.


Tickets are on sale now, but for those unable to make it to movie theaters, the film can also be viewed on HBO Max. The platform has launched a backstage special, Film in Magic Mode, sharing facts about the movie's production and commentary from director Chris Columbus. The special will also reveal deleted scenes, filming secrets, and even a quiz to test your knowledge of the wizarding world.

In addition to the movie, another surprise is in store for January 2022. Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, and many of the film's beloved cast will gather on the set of the first film debuting the special, Harry Potter 20 Years Old: Back at Hogwarts.



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