
Pumpkin-Based Skincare is Anything But Basic

Bravely going where every white girl has gone before. 

Summer in New York City means temperatures increasing to a hearty 98°F and heatwaves ping-ponging between the steel beams of the cityscape, effectively turning the streets into a microwave. People are sweating. Everywhere. And not glistening, sexy sweat like an Equinox ad, but gnarly top lip sweat that holds onto the perversive stench of people's leftover UberEats. So as the leaves change and fall settles in, there's much to look forward to. 

Fall means a reprieve from garbage stench. It means closed-toe shoes, shaving your legs less, and jackets; it means increasing menus that feature cinnamon. Cold weather is in and the Ugg Boots are out, but where does this leave your skin?

While summer skincare is all about amping up sunscreen application and moisturizing to the max, your fall beauty routine might do well to take a note from your favorite seasonal drink. As we move into a new season full of pumpkin spice lattes and holiday cheer, pumpkin enzymes are the choice du mois for those looking to step up their skincare. Find out more about these exciting new secrets to a radiant complexion below.

plant person human
"Return to Oz" 1985.

The Benefits of Pumpkin Enzymes

I spoke with skincare experts from Naturopathica and Jennifer Rasa of Pretty Please, an organic-focused New York spa acclaimed by New York Magazine, to discuss the benefits of our favorite orange gourd.

As Rasa explains, pumpkin is an enzyme exfoliator that "helps remove dead skin cells, reduce pigmentation and fine lines specifically from sun damage," continuing, "it has a lot of natural benefits." Including, but not limited to:

  • Beta-Keratin:  Used to refresh maturing skin and protect the skin from UVA-light-induced damage
  • Vitamin A: Used to reduce fine lines and wrinkles by thickening skin.
  • Alpha Hydroxy Acids: Used to remove dead skin cells
  • Antioxidants: Improves the skin's ability to repair itself. 

And although "You don't want to do peels when you're in the sun [since] the sun plays tug-of-war with pigmentation," Rasa explains, "We love to do peels during Fall and Winter when people are inside more." Pretty Please's options of tailored organic facials, using cult-beauty brand Eminence, often integrate pumpkin for (satisfyingly) removing old, dead, and dull skin. But, if you're not in N.Y.C., no fear—at-home pumpkin peels are effective and safe alternatives. 

Unlike manual or acid-based exfoliation, Paula Provenzano, VP of Education at Naturopathica, explains, "enzyme peels which are composed of fruit enzymes accomplish these goals without the harshness and downtime of their acidic counterparts, making them a perfect choice for many sensitive and busy clients." Elaborating, "Enzyme peels offer a gentler, more progressive refinement of the skin, so they are perfect for pre-event radiance or as part of regular maintenance for healthy glowing skin."

The expected effects? 

  • Decongesting pores by removing cellular debris
  • Diminishing fine lines and wrinkles
  • Helping to fade hyperpigmentation
  • Removing dry, flakey skin for a softer, smoother appearance

Used once or twice a week depending on your level of congestion, Provenzano suggests:

  • Apply on clean, dry skin. 
  • Let the mask sit for three to five minutes while your shower warms up. 
  • Let your shower's steam allow your pores to open up for one minute. 
  • Rinse off. 
  • Follow up with a serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen (if it is daytime). 

To note, enzyme peels are not meant to be used in conjunction with other exfoliating products. They are a one-stop exfoliation shop, and putting your skin through more will likely lead to irritation. Instead, enjoy your new skin with a single additive step in your weekly routine. Think of the pumpkin as a raclette of the skin.

If you're in New York or Los Angeles with access to Naturopathica's spa options, check out the Clear Facial, which features the ingredient.

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Clockwise from top left: Naturopathica Pumpkin Purifying Enzyme Peel, $58; Eminence Organics Yam & Pumpkin Enzyme Peel 5%, $46; Oskia Renaissance Brightlight Serum, $139; HydroPeptide Moisture Reset, $120.


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