
How to Beat Static Hair This Winter

If you've ever lived in a cold climate, you know what we're talking about. 
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We’ve all been there—brushing your hair half-asleep on a cold winter morning when all of a sudden your hair is floating in every direction around your head. If you have medium to long hair, there's no doubt that static is one of winter’s biggest beauty woes that's nearly impossible to avoid. To get to the root of the problem, first, we have to understand why this happens.

When two different objects that are made from different material rub together, a static charge is created. This results in a transfer of energy (electrons) from each object. However, when this happens in an environment with no moisture in the air (like dry winter air), this causes the electrons to repel each other and leaves our hair looking like a dandelion and difficult to style.

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So, if part of the problem is a lack of moisture, and since we've learned that we, unfortunately, cannot control the weather, this means we have to make sure our hair is super moisturized. Break out your most moisturizing shampoos, leave-in-conditioners, and hair masks—these types of products are all great first steps to help combat the static.

When it comes to styling, there are also a few preventative measures you can take. Firstly, skip the brush—most brushes tend to actually harbor static electricity and can cause friction between the bristles and hair strands, so opt for a wood comb instead.

Your daily heat tools can also be adding to the problem; heat tools are known to dry out your hair, so if the static is getting unbearable, try to air-dry or style without heat

Last but not least, some also recommend rubbing a static dryer sheet over your strands. This last tip may sound a bit out of the blue, but when you think about the sheets' purpose in the laundry, it actually sounds reasonable (plus it definitely makes a difference in your hair). 

These tips are sure to calm down your hair and stop that science-project-gone-wrong look. 


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