
Freckles: What You Need To Know Before Switching From Insta Filter To Reality

Sparked by Instagram and Snapchat filters, faux freckles are one of the hottest influencer-driven beauty trends.
face person human freckle

The introduction of Snapchat and then Instagram filters to eyes (and faces) around the world has had, in many cases, a more lasting effect than a simple 15-second video. Whether humorous or purely artistic, aesthetic-augmented reality has become a field heavily invested in by the fashion and beauty industries—as at Louis Vuitton and Byredo—as well as a digital tool popular with many users. Objects of debate and study, filters have aroused several new aesthetic desires, including freckles. L'OFFICIEL spoke with an expert in permanent makeup, the founder of the Parisian address Le Studio by Amelie, to answer the questions about one of the biggest beauty trends of the moment.


L'OFFICIAL: How long have you been practicing pigmentation and where have you trained?

Amélie: I have been doing permanent makeup for 11 years and have been trained at L'Atelier du Sourcil.

L'O: How do you explain the growing interest in freckles?

A: I have been tattooing freckles for over 10 years. It's true that at the beginning of my practice, my clients mainly came at the beginning of spring to maintain and accentuate their false freckles in order to create a "sun" effect. Over time, the trend has spread with the development and popularization of Instagram filters, as well as the makeup looks of many celebrities who have given way to freckles more or less ephemeral, either through classic makeup or through the tattoo. Today, it's influencers who are joining the movement. The snowball effect is palpable and the demand is such that Le Studio makes as many appointments for freckles as it does for eyebrow pigmentation.

L'O: Who are some of your celebrity clients?

A: Camille Callen a.k.a. @noholita was one of the first influencers to come to us for a freckle tattoo. Model Clara Berry and the DJ Kiddy Smile are also among our clients.

L'O: Describe the tattoo procedure to us. What does it involve, is it painful, etc ...

A: The procedure is quite bearable. To begin with, we remove makeup from the client's face, then we come and place the freckles according to their wishes: some people want a lot, others less. Then, using a small needle that we are going to dip in pigment, we manually prick the skin. A session lasts between 30 and 45 minutes, it all depends on the amount of tasks desired.

"We work with organic pigments. In my opinion, they are the best since they do not change over time."

L'O: How long do freckles last once tattooed on the skin?

A: They remain a minimum of three to five years. They start to disappear after three, but we must not forget that we are talking about tattooing. Unfortunately, many institutes use the term "semi-permanent makeup" to mislead customers. We cannot minimize the duration of this aesthetic procedure. It is impossible for it to last only six months, as some institutes claim. Since the needle is pricked into the skin with pigment, the result is bound to last a long time.

L'O: What are the negative experiences that one can have with pigmentation?

A: Know that if the pigment changes over time, it is not coming from the skin or the sun—it is from the pigment used. Do not hesitate to ask if it is a mineral or organic pigment because they are the ones that will make the difference. Personally, I have freckles that are three years old and apart from lightening up, they haven't changed color or turned purple, orange, or red.

L'O: What pigments do you use?

A: We work with organic pigments. They are, in my opinion, the best since they do not wear down over time.

L'O: What are your maintenance tips for extending the life of freckles?

A: Like any tattoo, you should ideally avoid prolonged and unprotected exposure to the sun. Paradoxically, the sun has the advantage of patinating freckles, of blurring them naturally. Peels performed by a dermatologist, dermabrasion techniques and lasers, of course, should be avoided. In terms of cosmetics, our daily beauty routine is too superficial to impact the pigments nestled under the skin. On the other hand, during the healing phase, it is important not to expose yourself to the sun, nor to use steam baths or saunas.

L'O: How long does the healing phase last?

A: It lasts about 10 days, depending on the person. During this time, it's important to apply a healing cream in a thin layer over the entire tattooed area.

L'O: Does the procedure present any risks?

A: If performed correctly, the procedure is safe. If done poorly, the spots can take on an appearance that's too dark which will give the impression of moles rather than light freckles. If the institute does not comply with hygienic rules, the client is exposed to the risk of infection.

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