Franklin Sirmans on Curating, Collecting, and Community in the Art World
By Kat Herriman
Photography Jade Lilly
L’OFFICIEL: What made you excited to move to Miami?
L'O: How has your role changed in the city over your tenure, and what are you focused on now?
L'O: You revisited the “Surrounded Islands” project recently for ananniversary. What was it like going back into that, and seeing all the progress the city and the institution have made since?
L'O: Is the collecting aspect of the institution something that is of particular interest to you?
L’O: As a curator you are wearing a million different hats, from researcher to producer to financier. There are very few people who go into curatorial work wanting to wear all of those hats. What drew you to the profession, and how have you managed to embrace all the roles that come with it?
L’O: You have a reputation based on a very hands-on community approach, and you’ve carved out a position in the city as a facilitator. Can you ever see yourself leaving Miami? How would you try to translate that energy into another city?
L’O: How do you make artists into your allies?
L’O: What legacy do you hope to leave behind?
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